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Moongeon: Pocket dungeon

Moongeon is a singleplayer board game, where everything is decided with a die roll. The player’s goal is to traverse the dungeon, fighting monsters and acquiring items in preparation to defeat the boss of the dungeon. Once the boss is defeated the game ends.

Moongeon was made as a short illustration project.
Moongeon je namizna igra za enega igralca v kateri se vse določa z metom kock. Igralčeva naloga je raziskovanje temnice, spopadanje s pošastmi in zbiranje predmetov, ki mu bodo pomagali premagati šefa temnice. Ko je šef poražen se igra konča.

Igra Moongeon je nastala kot kratek šolski ilustratorski projekt.

The player selects one of two hero cards at the beginning of the game. / Igralec na začetku igre izbere eno izmed dveh kart junakov.

The player selects one of two hero cards at the beginning of the game. / Igralec na začetku igre izbere eno izmed dveh kart junakov.

Boss (purple) and monster (red) cards that the player will encounter during the game. / Igralec se bo tekom igre srečal s šefovsko (vijolična) in pošastnimi (rdečimi) kartami.

Boss (purple) and monster (red) cards that the player will encounter during the game. / Igralec se bo tekom igre srečal s šefovsko (vijolična) in pošastnimi (rdečimi) kartami.

Useful item cards that help the player in various ways. / Karte predmetov, ki igralcu pomagajo na različne načine.

Useful item cards that help the player in various ways. / Karte predmetov, ki igralcu pomagajo na različne načine.

First page of game rules. / Prva stran pravil igre.

First page of game rules. / Prva stran pravil igre.

Second page of game rules. / Druga stran pravil igre.

Second page of game rules. / Druga stran pravil igre.

Playing board. / Igralna plošča.

Playing board. / Igralna plošča.

This is how the game looks printed out. / Takole izgleda natisnjena igra.

This is how the game looks printed out. / Takole izgleda natisnjena igra.

One closer look. / Še malo od bližje.

One closer look. / Še malo od bližje.