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Geomancy: a short animated film / Zemlječarstvo: kratki animirani film

Geomancy is a short animated film I made as a part of my diploma work. It is a digital 2d hand drawn fantasy film that tells the story of a geomancer trying to restore a broken world with the help of her golem.
The film got a DSAF special mention for an ambitiously made genre film.
Zemlječarstvo je kratki animirani film, ki sem ga naredil v sklopu svojega diplomskega dela. Film je v 2d digitalni ročno risani tehniki in pripoveduje zgodbo o zemlječarki, ki obnavlja uničeni svet s pomočjo svojega golema.
Film je zaenkrat prejel posebno omembo DSAF za ambiciozno izveden žanrski film.

A trailer for Geomancy. / Napovednik za Zemlječarstvo.

A geomancer is a magic user that can control natural materials and bring them to life. / Zemlječarka je uporabnica magije, ki lahko upravlja z naravnimi materiali in jim vdihuje življenje.

A geomancer is a magic user that can control natural materials and bring them to life. / Zemlječarka je uporabnica magije, ki lahko upravlja z naravnimi materiali in jim vdihuje življenje.

A golem is a creature made from natural materials that the geomancer brought to life. / Golem je bitje iz naravnega materiala, ki mu je geomantka vdihnila življenje.

A golem is a creature made from natural materials that the geomancer brought to life. / Golem je bitje iz naravnega materiala, ki mu je geomantka vdihnila življenje.

Same as golem these creatures are made from natural materials that the geomancer brought to life. / Majhne živali iz naravnih materialov, ki jih tako kot golema oživi geomantka.

Same as golem these creatures are made from natural materials that the geomancer brought to life. / Majhne živali iz naravnih materialov, ki jih tako kot golema oživi geomantka.

Geomancy poster. / Plakat Zemlječarstvo.

Geomancy poster. / Plakat Zemlječarstvo.

Background concept art 1 / Koncept ozadja 1

Background concept art 1 / Koncept ozadja 1

Background concept art 2 / koncept ozadja 2

Background concept art 2 / koncept ozadja 2

A picture from the film 1 / Fotografija iz filma 1

A picture from the film 1 / Fotografija iz filma 1

A picture from the film 2 / Fotografija iz filma 2

A picture from the film 2 / Fotografija iz filma 2

A picture from the film 3 / Fotografija iz filma 3

A picture from the film 3 / Fotografija iz filma 3

A picture from the film 4 / Fotografija iz filma 4

A picture from the film 4 / Fotografija iz filma 4